Make love and burn calories

      Putting yourself on some diet in order to get slimmer may be boring and can lead you to failure, but there is an easy way of getting in shape and achieving the sexy body of your dreams...

Make love and burn calories

Here are some interesting facts about making love that you may be interested in:

      80% of the women sleep with their husbands to bribe them( to buy them something they desire or for help around the house). Experts are saying that a little "bribery in bed in serious relationship is good, even recommended".

      During 15 minutes of making love you can burn more than 100 calories... Skip the gym, running and other physical activities, and say "hello" to your sexy partner.

Claudia Schiffer model

      30% of the married couples are sleeping separately. Many couples sleep separately and  it can be very healthy for their marriage, according to professionals.

     The average time for foreplay is 20 minutes. Foreplay can prolong the intimacy between the partners and prevents women to feel used and incomplete after the sexy act.

     Couples are making love an average of 105 times a year.There is no exact figure how many times a week, month or year we should make love. Therapists are claiming that women which are making love more often have healthier lives.

The sexiest woman in the world

Katrina Bowden was declared for the sexiest woman on the planet by the magazine "Esquire"... 

Katrina Bowden Sexy

      This was announced after the poll, conducted on the website of the newspaper. The participants in this sexy campaign were obligated to make photo sessions in their own homes, without much makeup and cosmetics, to allow the audience to assess their true beauty and charm.

Katrina Bowden acting

      The winner, Katrina Bowden is an American actress. She is only 22 years old, but already has substantial experience in the cinema. She is involved since little child in more than acting and music. Born in New Jersey and quickly oriented to the fashion business because of her stunning beauty.In the beauty race of the magazine "Esquire", Katrina won in the final over the favorite Brooklyn Decker.